I have spent many Memorial Days in Afghanistan but as I close out this last one before US forces leave, I want to reflect back on the men and women who gave everything for our great country in defense of our freedoms and way of life. I believe Memorial Day is a time to celebrate the lives of our nation’s heroes forever keeping their memories alive. I think General Patton said it best when he said “It’s foolish and wrong to mourn the men who died. Rather, we should Thank God such men lived.
In my career, I’ve had the honor and privilege to serve in the company of so many hero’s. I thank God every day I was given the opportunity to be a man amongst giants. So I hope you enjoy your time with your families, friends, and loved ones. Enjoy the freedoms we love as Americans and let us as a nation never forget those who answered the call and made the ultimate sacrifice so we can enjoy the freedoms we cherish so much.
Today is about them, let us never forget. God Bless America.

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